Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lake Erie Virtual Swim - How long is a mile?

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So the question is...how long is a mile?  A one mile swim in the pool is 1650 yards.  But we all learned in grade school that a mile is 5280 feet = 1760 yards. Let's call 1650 yards a "pool mile". And let's call 1760 yards a "lake" mile. Open water purists, such as yours truly, use lake miles.  This summer, between Memorial Day and Labor Day, I swam 100.77 lake miles although not all yards were in the lake. For the Lake Erie Virtual Swim, this means I made it across to Canada but did not quite make the return trip to the US. So I will be stranded on an iceberg for the winter. But if I recompute lake miles to pool miles, my mileage increases to 107.49 miles. This puts me on the Cleveland water crib for the winter. This is a choice between a rock and a cold spot. As you can plainly see, swimming is not all about swimming. It's about having fun.

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